Physical Review E – November 1993
Volume 48, Issue 5


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Exact integer algorithm for the two-dimensional ±J Ising spin glass
Lawrence Saul and Mehran Kardar
pp. R3221-R3224 [View Page Images or PDF (676 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Fokker-Planck approach to quantum transport statistics: Calculation of limiting probability distributions
D. Endesfelder and B. Kramer
pp. R3225-R3228 [View Page Images or PDF (743 kB)]
Exact solution of ‘‘hot dimer’’ adsorption in one-dimensional lattices
V. D. Pereyra, E. V. Albano, and E. Duering
pp. R3229-R3231 [View Page Images or PDF (448 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Mechanism of the electric-field-induced vortex drift in excitable media
A. P. Muñuzuri, M. Gómez-Gesteira, V. Pérez-Muñuzuri, V. I. Krinsky, and V. Pérez-Villar
pp. R3232-R3235 [View Page Images or PDF (540 kB)]
Thermal convection in a planar nematic liquid crystal with a stabilizing magnetic field
Lars Inge Berge, Guenter Ahlers, and David S. Cannell
pp. R3236-R3239 [View Page Images or PDF (1,083 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Monte Carlo simulation of a coupled XY model
I. M. Jiang, S. N. Huang, J. Y. Ko, T. Stoebe, A. J. Jin, and C. C. Huang
pp. R3240-R3243 [View Page Images or PDF (724 kB)]
Core structure of a screw disclination in smectic-A liquid crystals
S. Kralj and T. J. Sluckin
pp. R3244-R3247 [View Page Images or PDF (794 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Wave-breaking limit to the wake-field effect in an underdense plasma
Denis Teychenné, Guy Bonnaud, and Jean-Louis Bobin
pp. R3248-R3251 [View Page Images or PDF (688 kB)]
Relativistic solitary wave in an electron-positron plasma
V. I. Berezhiani, V. Skarka, and S. Mahajan
pp. R3252-R3255 [View Page Images or PDF (572 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Dynamic desynchronization of a free-electron laser resonator
R. J. Bakker, G. M. H. Knippels, A. F. G. van der Meer, D. Oepts, D. A. Jaroszynski, and P. W. van Amersfoort
pp. R3256-R3258 [View Page Images or PDF (581 kB)]
Stochastic electronic motion and high-efficiency free-electron lasers
P. Chaix, D. Iracane, and C. Benoist
pp. R3259-R3262 [View Page Images or PDF (689 kB)]

Computational Physics

Fast O(N) box-counting algorithm for estimating dimensions
T. C. A. Molteno
pp. R3263-R3266 [View Page Images or PDF (612 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

See Also: Erratum
Suppression of chaos in weakly coupled diode resonators
Jong Cheol Shin, Sook-Il Kwun, and Youngtae Kim
pp. 3285-3289 [View Page Images or PDF (792 kB)]
Jamming transition in the traffic-flow model with two-level crossings
Takashi Nagatani
pp. 3290-3294 [View Page Images or PDF (801 kB)]
Wave propagation in an excitable medium along a line of a velocity jump
O. Steinbock, V. S. Zykov, and S. C. Müller
pp. 3295-3298 [View Page Images or PDF (1,118 kB)]
Chaotic trapping phenomena in extended systems
Gianni Pedrizzetti, James B. Kadtke, and Harry H. Luithardt
pp. 3299-3308 [View Page Images or PDF (1,815 kB)]
Rate equation of the A+AA reaction with probability of reaction and diffusion
M. Hoyuelos and H. O. Mártin
pp. 3309-3313 [View Page Images or PDF (689 kB)]
Polymer chain in a random array of topological obstacles: Classification and statistics of complex loops
V. G. Rostiashvili, S. K. Nechaev, and T. A. Vilgis
pp. 3314-3320 [View Page Images or PDF (1,006 kB)]
First-order phase transitions, the Maxwell construction, and the momentum-space renormalization group
A. Parola, D. Pini, and L. Reatto
pp. 3321-3332 [View Page Images or PDF (2,329 kB)]
Equivalent-circuit, scaling, random-walk simulation, and an experimental study of self-similar fractal electrodes and interfaces
B. Sapoval, R. Gutfraind, P. Meakin, M. Keddam, and H. Takenouti
pp. 3333-3344 [View Page Images or PDF (2,069 kB)]
Nonlinear dynamics of the cellular-automaton ‘‘game of Life’’
J. B. C. Garcia, M. A. F. Gomes, T. I. Jyh, T. I. Ren, and T. R. M. Sales
pp. 3345-3351 [View Page Images or PDF (883 kB)]
Thermodynamic properties of a one-dimensional system of charged bosons
T. W. Craig, D. Kiang, and A. Niégawa
pp. 3352-3360 [View Page Images or PDF (1,216 kB)]
Sandpile models with and without an underlying spatial structure
Kim Christensen and Zeev Olami
pp. 3361-3372 [View Page Images or PDF (1,915 kB)]
Systematic nonperturbative approach for thermal averages in quantum many-body systems: The thermal-cluster-cumulant method
G. Sanyal, S. H. Mandal, S. Guha, and D. Mukherjee
pp. 3373-3389 [View Page Images or PDF (2,780 kB)]
Analytic and numerical study of stochastic resonance
Ronald F. Fox and Yan-nan Lu
pp. 3390-3398 [View Page Images or PDF (1,121 kB)]
Hadronic intermittency and chaotic motion in rapidity space
N. G. Antoniou, F. K. Diakonos, C. G. Papadopoulos, and P. Schmelcher
pp. 3399-3405 [View Page Images or PDF (1,096 kB)]
Fractal random processes with iterated logarithmic tails: A generalization of the Shlesinger-Hughes stochastic renormalization approach
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
pp. 3406-3408 [View Page Images or PDF (394 kB)]
Competition of local exponents and the fractal structure of chaotic attractors
Gerold Baier, Achim Kittel, and Michael Klein
pp. 3409-3413 [View Page Images or PDF (711 kB)]
Chaotic billiards with neutral boundaries
José L. Vega, Turgay Uzer, and Joseph Ford
pp. 3414-3420 [View Page Images or PDF (1,317 kB)]
Nested strange attractors in spatiotemporal chaotic systems
L. S. Tsimring
pp. 3421-3426 [View Page Images or PDF (884 kB)]
Reunion and survival of interacting walkers
Sutapa Mukherji and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee
pp. 3427-3440 [View Page Images or PDF (1,941 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Fluctuations in solidification
Alain Karma
pp. 3441-3458 [View Page Images or PDF (2,700 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Finite-size scaling in the complex temperature plane applied to the three-dimensional Ising model
Koo-Chul Lee
pp. 3459-3463 [View Page Images or PDF (855 kB)]
Structure of a Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction interface
H. C. Kang and W. H. Weinberg
pp. 3464-3469 [View Page Images or PDF (1,029 kB)]
Clustering and slow switching in globally coupled phase oscillators
D. Hansel, G. Mato, and C. Meunier
pp. 3470-3477 [View Page Images or PDF (1,410 kB)]
Efficient determination of the nonlinear Burnett coefficients
R. K. Standish and D. J. Evans
pp. 3478-3482 [View Page Images or PDF (649 kB)]
Directed polymers with random interaction: An exactly solvable case
Sutapa Mukherji and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee
pp. 3483-3496 [View Page Images or PDF (2,156 kB)]
Nonlinear response of a periodically driven damped two-state system
Milena Grifoni, Maura Sassetti, Jürgen Stockburger, and Ulrich Weiss
pp. 3497-3509 [View Page Images or PDF (1,937 kB)]
Transport of a quantum particle in a dimer under the influence of two correlated dichotomic colored noises
A. Fuliński and P. F. Góra
pp. 3510-3517 [View Page Images or PDF (1,213 kB)]
Classical and quantum chaos of the wedge billiard. I. Classical mechanics
T. Szeredi and D. A. Goodings
pp. 3518-3528 [View Page Images or PDF (1,782 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Classical and quantum chaos of the wedge billiard. II. Quantum mechanics and quantization rules
T. Szeredi and D. A. Goodings
pp. 3529-3544 [View Page Images or PDF (2,813 kB)]
Diffusion on deterministic and quasirandom models of diffusion-limited aggregates. I. Isotropic diffusion
Hernan L. Martinez, Juan M. R. Parrondo, and Katja Lindenberg
pp. 3545-3555 [View Page Images or PDF (1,714 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Diffusion on deterministic and quasirandom models of diffusion-limited aggregates. II. Anisotropic diffusion
Hernan L. Martinez, Juan M. R. Parrondo, and Katja Lindenberg
pp. 3556-3571 [View Page Images or PDF (2,250 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Abnormal temperature-dependent variation in sound velocity for the molecular liquids benzene and hexafluorobenzene
L. Letamendia, M. Belkadi, O. Eloutassi, C. Vaucamps, G. Nouchi, S. Iakovlev, N. B. Rozhdestvenskaya, L. V. Smirnova, and J. E. Runova
pp. 3572-3576 [View Page Images or PDF (960 kB)]
Transitions in the kinetics and steady states of irreversible A+BC surface-reaction models
B. Meng, W. H. Weinberg, and J. W. Evans
pp. 3577-3588 [View Page Images or PDF (2,763 kB)]
Thermal conductivity of a dilute gas in a thermostated shear-flow state
V. Garzó
pp. 3589-3593 [View Page Images or PDF (882 kB)]
Diffusion in equilibrium mixtures of ionized gases
A. B. Murphy
pp. 3594-3603 [View Page Images or PDF (1,507 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Asymptotic analysis of primitive model electrolytes and the electrical double layer
Phil Attard
pp. 3604-3621 [View Page Images or PDF (2,688 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Phase and amplitude instabilities for Bénard-Marangoni convection in fluid layers with large aspect ratio
Michael Bestehorn
pp. 3622-3634 [View Page Images or PDF (2,893 kB)]
Relative importance of convection and diffusion in binary liquid systems subject to small horizontal temperature gradients
Thomas C. Van Vechten and Carl Franck
pp. 3635-3642 [View Page Images or PDF (1,663 kB)]
Symmetric truncations of the shallow-water equations
Ali Rouhi and Henry D. I. Abarbanel
pp. 3643-3655 [View Page Images or PDF (2,187 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Collapse transition of self-avoiding walks on a square lattice in the bulk and near a linear wall: The universality classes of the θ and θ points
Iksoo Chang and Hagai Meirovitch
pp. 3656-3660 [View Page Images or PDF (816 kB)]
Raman scattering and water structure in nonionic amphiphile solutions
Norberto Micali, Cirino Vasi, Francesco Mallamace, Mario Corti, and Vittorio Degiorgio
pp. 3661-3666 [View Page Images or PDF (1,011 kB)]
Polaron theory of positron annihilation in xenon
Jiqiang Chen and Bruce N. Miller
pp. 3667-3673 [View Page Images or PDF (1,242 kB)]
Dynamical theory of concentration fluctuations in polymer solutions under shear
Scott T. Milner
pp. 3674-3691 [View Page Images or PDF (3,475 kB)]
Structures of inorganic polymers in sol-gel processes based on titanium oxide
M. Kallala, C. Sanchez, and B. Cabane
pp. 3692-3704 [View Page Images or PDF (2,474 kB)]
Monte Carlo study of phase separation in critical polymer blends
Gregory Brown and Amitabha Chakrabarti
pp. 3705-3711 [View Page Images or PDF (1,281 kB)]
Dynamics of near-critical polymer gels
Ralph H. Colby, Jeffrey R. Gillmor, and Michael Rubinstein
pp. 3712-3716 [View Page Images or PDF (828 kB)]
Internal distances in short polyelectrolytes: A Monte Carlo study
Chava Brender and Meir Danino
pp. 3717-3727 [View Page Images or PDF (1,879 kB)]
Ferroelectric phases of dipolar hard spheres
J. J. Weis and D. Levesque
pp. 3728-3740 [View Page Images or PDF (2,290 kB)]
Thermal and structural properties of the liquid-vapor interface in dipolar fluids
Peter Frodl and S. Dietrich
pp. 3741-3759 [View Page Images or PDF (2,848 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Thermodynamic perturbation theory: Sticky chains and square-well chains
M. Banaszak, Y. C. Chiew, and M. Radosz
pp. 3760-3765 [View Page Images or PDF (868 kB)]
Density fluctuations during crystallization of colloids
Klaus Schätzel and Bruce J. Ackerson
pp. 3766-3777 [View Page Images or PDF (2,247 kB)]
Simulations of shear-induced melting and ordering
Mark J. Stevens and Mark O. Robbins
pp. 3778-3792 [View Page Images or PDF (3,052 kB)]
Freezing of adhesive hard spheres
Carlos F. Tejero and Marc Baus
pp. 3793-3798 [View Page Images or PDF (822 kB)]
Spinodal of liquid water
Peter H. Poole, Francesco Sciortino, Ulrich Essmann, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 3799-3817 [View Page Images or PDF (3,339 kB)]
Electric-field-induced change of the order parameter in a nematic liquid crystal
I. Lelidis, M. Nobili, and G. Durand
pp. 3818-3821 [View Page Images or PDF (668 kB)]
Electric-field-induced isotropic-nematic phase transition
I. Lelidis and G. Durand
pp. 3822-3824 [View Page Images or PDF (573 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Pattern formation in noise-reduced electrochemical deposition
Mu Wang, Nai-ben Ming, and Piet Bennema
pp. 3825-3830 [View Page Images or PDF (2,051 kB)]
Evolution of the space-charge layer during electrochemical deposition with convection
Vincent Fleury, James Kaufman, and Brynn Hibbert
pp. 3831-3840 [View Page Images or PDF (2,119 kB)]
Dissipation, geometry, and the stability of the dense radial morphology
David G. Grier and Daniel Mueth
pp. 3841-3848 [View Page Images or PDF (1,654 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Effect of resistivity on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in an accelerated plasma
J. L. Castillo and M. A. Huerta
pp. 3849-3866 [View Page Images or PDF (2,523 kB)]
Relative intensities of 3p-3s transitions in neonlike Ar ix
N. Preissing, D. O. Campos, H.-J. Kunze, A. L. Osterheld, and R. S. Walling
pp. 3867-3870 [View Page Images or PDF (719 kB)]
Numerical results on photon redistribution and Bose condensation in strongly magnetized plasmas
P. Neugebauer, H. Riffert, H. Ruder, and H. Herold
pp. 3871-3875 [View Page Images or PDF (791 kB)]
Fokker-Planck solution for the spherical symmetry of the electron distribution function of a fully ionized plasma
A. Ferreira
pp. 3876-3892 [View Page Images or PDF (2,061 kB)]
Enhanced Z pinch using an externally applied magnetic field to stabilize the implosion of an aluminum plasma jet onto a coaxial wire
N. S. Edison, B. Etlicher, A. S. Chuvatin, S. Attelan, and R. Aliaga
pp. 3893-3900 [View Page Images or PDF (1,330 kB)]
Ion broadening of dense-plasma spectral lines including field-dependent atomic physics and the ion quadrupole interaction
D. P. Kilcrease, R. C. Mancini, and C. F. Hooper, Jr.
pp. 3901-3913 [View Page Images or PDF (2,154 kB)]
Moment analysis of rf parallel-plate-discharge simulations using the particle-in-cell with Monte Carlo collisions technique
M. Surendra and M. Dalvie
pp. 3914-3924 [View Page Images or PDF (1,875 kB)]
Coupled-mode theory of Langmuir space-charge waves for general electron-beam and waveguide cross sections
Y. Pinhasi and A. Gover
pp. 3925-3929 [View Page Images or PDF (891 kB)]
Collective effects due to charge-fluctuation dynamics in a dusty plasma
M. R. Jana, A. Sen, and P. K. Kaw
pp. 3930-3933 [View Page Images or PDF (788 kB)]
Relativistic-configuration-interaction calculations of Kα satellite properties for aluminum plasmas created by intense proton beams
Ping Wang, Joseph J. MacFarlane, and Gregory A. Moses
pp. 3934-3942 [View Page Images or PDF (1,370 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Explicitly integrable polynomial Hamiltonians and evaluation of Lie transformations
Jicong Shi and Yiton T. Yan
pp. 3943-3951 [View Page Images or PDF (1,297 kB)]
Dynamics of the equilibrium electrons in a helical-wiggler free-electron laser with reversed guide field
Shi-Chang Zhang, Yong Xu, and Qing-Xiang Liu
pp. 3952-3958 [View Page Images or PDF (900 kB)]
Electron trajectories in a free-electron laser with a reversed axial guide field
V. A. Bazylev, A. Bourdier, Ph. Gouard, and J. M. Buzzi
pp. 3959-3964 [View Page Images or PDF (748 kB)]
Strong-strong simulation on the beam-beam effect in a linac-ring B factory
Rui Li and Joseph J. Bisognano
pp. 3965-3979 [View Page Images or PDF (2,166 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Darker-than-black solitons: Dark solitons with total phase shift greater than π
Wiesław Królikowski, Nail Akhmediev, and Barry Luther-Davies
pp. 3980-3987 [View Page Images or PDF (1,230 kB)]
Bouncing ball with a finite restitution: Chattering, locking, and chaos
J. M. Luck and Anita Mehta
pp. 3988-3997 [View Page Images or PDF (1,783 kB)]
Variational approach to bistable solitary waves of the first kind in d dimensions
R. H. Enns and S. S. Rangnekar
pp. 3998-4007 [View Page Images or PDF (1,174 kB)]
Instantaneous action-at-a-distance representation of field theories
R. A. Villecco
pp. 4008-4026 [View Page Images or PDF (3,172 kB)]
See Also: Comment
Solitary waves in a class of generalized Korteweg–de Vries equations
Fred Cooper, Harvey Shepard, and Pasquale Sodano
pp. 4027-4032 [View Page Images or PDF (651 kB)]
Interaction time of Korteweg–de Vries solitons
Noriyuki Hatakenaka
pp. 4033-4036 [View Page Images or PDF (484 kB)]
Transport properties of solitons
A. H. Castro Neto and A. O. Caldeira
pp. 4037-4043 [View Page Images or PDF (816 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Wave interaction with a fractal layer
Vladimir V. -Konotop, Zhang Fei, and Luis Vázquez
pp. 4044-4048 [View Page Images or PDF (757 kB)]

Biological Physics

Amplification of coherent polar vibrations in biopolymers: Fröhlich condensate
Marcus V. Mesquita, Aurea R. Vasconcellos, and Roberto Luzzi
pp. 4049-4059 [View Page Images or PDF (1,780 kB)]
Neural networks with high-order connections
Jeferson J. Arenzon and Rita M. C. de Almeida
pp. 4060-4069 [View Page Images or PDF (1,596 kB)]

Computational Physics

Fluid simulations of tokamak turbulence in quasiballooning coordinates
A. M. Dimits
pp. 4070-4079 [View Page Images or PDF (2,027 kB)]
Cluster method for the Ashkin-Teller model
Shai Wiseman and Eytan Domany
pp. 4080-4090 [View Page Images or PDF (1,612 kB)]
Repeller neural networks
Andrzej Nowak, Maciej Lewenstein, and Wojciech Tarkowski
pp. 4091-4094 [View Page Images or PDF (730 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Determination of the dynamic critical exponent by quench kinetics simulations
G. Besold, W. Schleier, and K. Heinz
pp. 4102-4105 [View Page Images or PDF (673 kB)]
Experimental determination of Ginzburg-Landau parameters for reaction-diffusion systems
F. Hynne and P. Graae Sørensen
pp. 4106-4109 [View Page Images or PDF (640 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Anisotropic thermal conductivity of a fluid in a system of microscopic slit pores
S. Murad, P. Ravi, and J. G. Powles
pp. 4110-4112 [View Page Images or PDF (457 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Phase diagrams for the blue phases of highly chiral liquid crystals
Miriam B. Bowling, Peter J. Collings, Christopher J. Booth, and John W. Goodby
pp. 4113-4115 [View Page Images or PDF (543 kB)]
Rotational invariance and the theory of directed nematic polymers
Randall D. Kamien, Pierre Le Doussal, and David R. Nelson
pp. 4116-4117 [View Page Images or PDF (244 kB)]
Asymmetric cell in directional solidification
Wouter-Jan Rappel
pp. 4118-4120 [View Page Images or PDF (481 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Resistive-ballooning-mode characteristics in the tokamak edge region
G. S. Bevli, A. K. Sundaram, and A. Sen
pp. 4121-4123 [View Page Images or PDF (559 kB)]
Direct evidence of departure from local thermodynamic equilibrium in a free-burning arc-discharge plasma
S. C. Snyder, G. D. Lassahn, and L. D. Reynolds
pp. 4124-4127 [View Page Images or PDF (689 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Strongly localized gap solitons in diatomic lattices
Oksana A. Chubykalo and Yuri S. Kivshar
pp. 4128-4131 [View Page Images or PDF (621 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Creation of nonlinear localized modes in discrete lattices
Yuri S. Kivshar
pp. 4132-4135 [View Page Images or PDF (696 kB)]
Nonlinear lattices and gap solitons
C. Martijn de Sterke
pp. 4136-4137 [View Page Images or PDF (232 kB)]


Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Electric fields from steady currents and unexplained electromagnetic experiments’ ’’
Tomislav Ivezić
pp. 4140-4142 [View Page Images or PDF (642 kB)]
Comment on ‘‘Hitting probabilities of diffusion-limited-aggregation clusters’’
A. P. Roberts and M. A. Knackstedt
pp. 4143-4144 [View Page Images or PDF (342 kB)]